Hello friend, welcome to Checkmate 2028. I’m Tim Worrell, and uncovering the truth about these last days, in a world overflowing with deception, has been the greatest adventure of my life.
I have been a believer since I was young. But I never imagined that Jesus would return in my lifetime. Nonetheless, God has seen fit to show me many deep and beautiful truths from his Word. And over the past four years, a clear vision of the end times has at last emerged from the stifling fog of pop eschatology.
Now, I certainly do not claim to have figured out the entire eschatological puzzle all on my own. And yet, I believe that God has graciously given me several of the key puzzle pieces. These have been entrusted to my stewardship. And so, it is my responsibility to share them, as best I can, with you.
Based on my rigorous study, I believe that Jesus Christ, the long-expected King, is coming back in the year 2028. Admittedly, I do not know the day, only the season. But nevertheless, this is the best news I've ever heard.
I have arrived at this unexpected conclusion by discerning the simple yet striking convergence of biblical prophecy, biblical typology, and present-day signs of the times. And I’ve written two books – God’s Final Week & God’s Final Battle – which reveal the key building blocks undergirding my perspective. These books will be published in their entirety on my Checkmate 2028 Substack. There are twenty chapters in all, and each will get its own post.
Still, I do not expect these truths to be popular. Isaac Newton made that much clear long ago.
About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition.
— Sir Isaac Newton
Even most born-again believers today are not fully ready for Christ to return. In this lukewarm age, they have become far too entangled in the world. And this is to say nothing of the hordes of nominal Christians who will sadly find themselves with no burning oil when the Master returns (Matthew 25:1-12).
Most Christians are simply not prepared for these truths. I share them, then, for the remnant, for those few who can discern the signs of the times.
In total, I have invested many thousands of hours into this worthy quest. If I can by any means shorten your journey along the treacherous path, that will be enough.
And so, my friend, I offer you a hand up this end times mountain of knowledge. I’m returning from higher up and I tell you the sights are heavenly. With the experience I have of the terrain and the enduring footholds provided by the Word, I believe I can help to speed your ascent.
Still, it won’t be an easy road. Every step up the unforgiving slope will test your determination and your discernment, and turning back for the warm comfort of the ordinary will tug at your mind.
This view above the fog has never before been available (Daniel 12:4) and the pass – aka, the window of time to attain it – will not stay open for long. The year 2028 will be here before we know it. The King is on the move.
I must warn you, this quest is not for the faint of heart. Only the rare soul will muster the spunk to hazard this climb in these final hours. But if you’re up for it, the rewards are immeasurable and eternal.
Can you discern the signs of the times?