And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars … And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
— Luke 21:25 & 28
On September 11, 2007 – the sixth anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks in New York City – there was a partial solar eclipse. Since this eclipse was visible only from South America and Antarctica, no one paid it all that much attention.
And so it was that quietly and without fanfare God’s Final Week began.
I must admit that when I first began to notice the curious timing of certain eclipses, it was not this beginning one which I discovered. Instead, I found some of the later eclipses in the series, which occurred over the United States. But eventually, I found this starting point and understood the week structure in its fullness.
Essentially, I have uncovered a series of solar eclipses beginning in 2007, which each occur 1212 days after the previous one. (For the math snobs: the difference between successive dates is actually 1211 days, but including the beginning day, or “day zero,” as the Jews would, results in a total of 1212 days for each cycle.) This time period of 1212 days amounts to 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days.
These are most curious numbers.
It struck me one day as I was pondering the number 1212 that at the equator you have 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night each day year round. It was suddenly plain to me that these periods of time between solar eclipses were meant to represent days. As in “the evening and the morning were the first day” from the creation story.
In our modern world of nearly limitless information, filled with vast amounts of books and videos and podcasts and articles on every subject under the sun, it astounded me that no one else seemed to have discovered this hidden week. I had found something new.
Much later, I realized that the four threes also point to a day structure. Or, perhaps more aptly, to a night structure. In the Gospels, Jesus continually warns us to be watchful, awaiting his return. He likens this in Mark 13 to servants awaiting the return of their master. In verse 35 he says: “Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning.” These are the four watches of the night, as understood by the Jews. Each was three hours long.
Undoubtedly, the Bible condemns astrology as it has been practiced over the millennia by various cultures and groups. And yet, God also makes it clear in passages such as Job 38:31 that he is the ruler of the heavens. It is one thing to seek to divine the future by gazing at the stars. It is quite another to glimpse in the heavens the handiwork of Yahweh.
This series of highly synchronized eclipses, as far as I can tell, is predicted to contain 13 total eclipses and last for 40 years, from 2007 to 2047, before it eventually peters out. However, we are only interested in the first eight eclipses and the week structure they create.
• Eclipse 1 – September 11, 2007 (partial)
• Eclipse 2 – January 4, 2011 (partial)
• Eclipse 3 – April 29, 2014 (annular)
• Eclipse 4 – August 21, 2017 (total)
• Eclipse 5 – December 14, 2020 (total)
• Eclipse 6 – April 8, 2024 (total)
• Eclipse 7 – August 2, 2027 (total)
• Eclipse 8 – November 25, 2030 (total)
In August of 2017, my wife and I traveled about 100 miles to watch the fourth eclipse from within the path of totality. We had little idea at the time of the hidden message provided by this eclipse or that it was part of a series.
However, it is interesting to note that this particular eclipse, which began day four of God’s Final Week, passed through precisely seven cities and towns in the United States with the name Salem, meaning peace. Millennial Day 4, of course, was the day when God sent his Son, the Prince of Peace, into the world.
As I write this, we find ourselves between eclipse 5 and 6. In other words, we are in the midst of day five. Day five and six together of this Final Week are emblematic of millennial days five and six, or the last days. We are in the last days of the last days. The end of the end.
Interestingly, the beginning of day seven happens startlingly close to the calculated year 6000, as measured from several different vantage points. I also find it curious that the uncertainty in the calculations always still seems to fall within the “day seven” between eclipses 7 and 8. Essentially, you could argue there are about three years of uncertainty, given the length of time that has passed since some of the older signposts and the lack of precision in the data that we have. Nevertheless, we find that this uncertainty has been orchestrated in such a way that it fits perfectly within day seven of the Final Week. Fall of 2027 is about the earliest the year 6000 could reasonably be expected to begin. And fall of 2030 is about the latest. As I’ve already repeatedly hinted, I like 2028 best.
My base case is that day seven of this week will not be concluded by the natural occurrence of eclipse number 8. Instead, I believe it will be interrupted at some point by Christ’s return, like a thief in the night for those who are unprepared.
Furthermore, day seven has a start date in late summer so that it contains exactly four Feast of Trumpets, or Yom Teruah, celebrations (Tishri 1). With a cycle of just a bit over three years, this doesn’t happen too often, as you can see by examining the other six days. Still, just because the Jews today celebrate Rosh Hashanah on a certain date does not mean that this has been accurately passed down through the millennia. God’s true Tishri 1 could be one or possibly even two new moons away from the current Jewish observation. And based on my research, I tend to think it more likely to fall earlier in the year than the currently observed date, rather than later. Practically speaking, though, this means that even if we can somehow narrow it down to a certain year, we can never narrow things down to a day or hour, or even to a month. It must always be a season.
“Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning.” Just as there were four watches of the night, so too there are four potential years within the seventh day, the day when I believe Yeshua will return.
Intriguingly, Mark refers to all four watches. Luke mentions two in Luke 12:38, narrowing it down to midnight or cockcrowing. But Matthew mentions only one watch: midnight (Matthew 25:6). If this is a clue, then midnight might correspond to the year 2028. I find this interesting to consider because Yeshua himself was taken from the garden at Gethsemane during the midnight watch. And we must remember that the forces arrayed against him in that hour far exceeded the humans present. It was the powers and principalities of darkness, the strong bulls of Bashan, that beset him round and gnashed their teeth upon him. Yeshua’s return on this specific watch to vindicate himself and vanquish his enemies would be most fitting.
The seventh eclipse on August 2, 2027, the one which ushers in the seventh day, has a path of totality directly over Egypt. Since ancient times, Egypt has always symbolized all those who enslave and persecute the children of God, and so it also represents the evil one and his kingdom. While the eclipse will not pass directly over Jerusalem, it will be close enough that this city, too, will experience significant darkness. The point of greatest darkness over Jerusalem will be at precisely 12 noon. Not 12:09, or 12:11, or 12:03. At 12 o’clock noon on the dot.
In the book of Jeremiah, there is an oft-quoted reference to the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7). This passage has always bothered me because I know, based on the book of Genesis, that Jacob’s trouble was either 20 years (as stated by Jacob himself, Genesis 31:38 & 41) or 21 years (as stated by God through Moses, Genesis 29:20-30). Yet most modern Christians have unaccountably decided that Daniel’s seventieth week somehow applies to the end times and not the Messiah’s first coming. And they have furthermore swallowed the story that the time of Jacob’s trouble alluded to by the prophet Jeremiah must necessarily be this seven-year period.
Needless to say, I am less than impressed with this line of reasoning.
I would be far more comfortable with a 20 or 21-year time of Jacob’s trouble, and interestingly the first six days of this final week structure amount to a mere 40 days less than 20 years. It seems we could quite easily end up with a 20 or 21-year period begun by the eclipse on 9/11/2007 and ended by the Second Coming. Not exact to the day, surely, but this Final Week does provide for a period of either 20 or 21 years, which would fit much better the time of Jacob’s trouble analogy spoken of by Jeremiah.
At first, I somewhat preferred the 20-year reckoning, from a purely mathematical perspective. This was largely because the 21st year is a sabbatical year and a time of rest and could therefore be representative of the eternal state. However, since I know that the year 6000 is actually a Jubilee year, then technically year 5999 is a sabbatical year. So, as it turns out, I think there could be a reasonably strong argument for a 21-year time of Jacob’s trouble on a mathematical basis as well. I also find it intriguing that 21 years is precisely three shmita cycles, corresponding to three trimesters of birth pains leading up to the bringing forth of Messiah’s kingdom. Perhaps from man’s perspective, when considering the Final Week, it looks like 20 years (2006 to 2027), but from God’s perspective it is destined to be 21 (2006 to 2028). Ultimately, on the basis of this line of reasoning alone, it could be either one; I really cannot choose between them.
A 20-year period points to the year 2027. While a 21-year period points squarely to 2028.
However, based on the biblical typology surrounding the number 21, I tend to believe a 21-year time of Jacob’s trouble to be most likely. Consider just two of the examples. The 21st of Nisan was the last day of God’s Feast of Unleavened Bread. According to Jewish tradition, it was on this day that God wrought his final judgment against Egypt, when he drowned Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea. Again, Pharoah and the Egyptians are emblematic of the Devil and the powers of darkness. What’s more, the final chapter of the Bible, Revelation 22, contains precisely 21 verses. But stranger still, it is the 49th chapter in the Bible to contain this number of verses. What comes after the 49th year? The Jubilee. Land restored. Liberty proclaimed.
For me, the greatest coincidence of all lies in what the dragon arranged to have done precisely at the start of day 5 in this Final Week. Of course, we realize that the year 4000 marks the central event of all human history; namely, the cross. However, when you find the precise corresponding spot in God’s Final Week, it may at first strike you as a big nothingburger. That is, until you comprehend what exactly the dragon did there.
This is where I must speak in parables. Surely, this thing, not unlike the cross itself, would be a stumbling block for the overwhelming majority of people in our day. It is often hardest to perceive what is right under your nose. And so perhaps it is best if you discover this truth for yourself.
I have provided the general puzzle layout and done most of the work placing pieces in order for you. But you must prove your worth by placing this most critical of pieces into place for yourself. Only then, when it has been dearly bought, will you truly be able to revel in the masterpiece which you yourself have had a hand in creating.
The dragon is always the copycat; originality is anathema to him. Instead of conceiving something new, he inevitably imitates the Creator, mocking him as well in the process. God creates, and Satan counterfeits.
Jesus gave his blood on the tree for our redemption. The dragon has inverted this most sacred of sacrifices, and in doing so he has mocked God and defiled humanity made in his image. The nature of the defilement itself hearkens back to the days of Noah, as if honoring the old god now confined to the netherworld for his antediluvian transgressions. And the dragon has chosen to time this act so precisely that it simply cannot be mistaken.
Still, it will take perception and courage to see beneath the façade of things, to slice through the apparent normalcy, and to glimpse the existential strangeness of our time and the devilry of this event. Once you take the leap, though, you cannot unsee it.
Once you comprehend this thing, everything else falls into place and the Final Week becomes ironclad in your mind. For the implication is that the dragon, a being far older and craftier than we can imagine, is both aware of this Final Week and is at the same time using it as one last chance to wreak havoc in the order God has established.
Without this puzzle piece, the Final Week would, in my mind, be highly speculative at best. Without this piece, this book would never have been written. But with it, I am absolutely confident that my analysis is correct. For it has been corroborated by the most striking and symbolic of inversions perpetrated by the most ancient of foes.
The Bible speaks directly of events happening only just now. We are living in biblical times.
If you are hungry for the truth, you will find it. If not, you will miss it … or, perhaps even more likely, you will find it and choke upon the uncomfortable implications and determine to rationalize it all away. But hard truths cut both ways.
To discern this hidden reality, you must come to understand how the verses below fit together and relate to our time. May only the worthy enter here.
• Genesis 6:1-4
• I Kings 18:28
• Daniel 2:43
• Matthew 24:15 & Mark 13:14
• John 2:21
• I Corinthians 3:16 & 6:19
• II Thessalonians 2:3-4
I believe we are living in the times when the ancient prophecies are at last being fulfilled. I believe we are living in God’s Final Week.